Ten Conversation starters for the water cooler (and the weekend).

A compilation of 10 posts that might help you strike up a conversation about purposeful growth, creative productivity, and healthy living. Use at the water cooler in the office, or at a social gathering.


On Purposeful Growth…

Successful People Start Before They Feel Ready. James Clear wrote: “If you want to summarize the habits of successful people into one phrase, it’s this: successful people start before they feel ready.” An inspiring post after reflecting on this week’s launch of www.CaitlinWHowe.com.

How to Spend the Last 10 Minutes of your Day. Strategies that might help you sleep better.

How Painting Can Transform Communities. The way artful creativity can change a neighborhood.

On Creative Productivity…

Increase your productivity at home . Thirteen strategies you can practice today to maximize your time.

Who (and What) Benefits When I Work from Home. An opinion on creative productivity for responsibilities at work, family, and home. Great ideas if you are trying to make the argument yourself!

The Master of Getting Things Done. A podcast that summarizes strategies for productivity in all aspects of your life.

On Healthy Living…

Prison Farms and Local Food Systems. Cantaloupe, cauliflower, and beets…behind bars? An article on sustainable farming in prison.

Setting the Table. Three questions to ask yourself before making a food choice.

All change please: the rise of the run-commuters. The number of people choosing to run to or from work as an alternative mode of transport has tripled in the last two years.

Sleep starts later as teens age, but school still starts early. Should teens go ahead and sleep in? One study lends evidence to the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation that middle and high schools should begin the school day later.

What good conversation starters did you find this week?

Let me know by commenting here.

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