Tag Archives: healthiest self

Want More Sleep? Ask Yourself These Questions

This week, we celebrate national sleep awareness week. And let me tell you, it couldn’t come soon enough. This upcoming weekend, we will be “springing forward” for daylight savings, and will be losing an hour of sleep. So, this post will (hopefully) encourage you to focus on your sleep this week, and present you with strategies to create better sleep habits for the future.

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© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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Essential Oils: Where to Get the Facts

With so much health information available to us, how do we separate the myths from the facts? Readers have been sending me some great questions about essential oils. While there is quite a bit of scientific evidence that exists (and is emerging) about essential oils, it is in the interpretation of these scientific studies where some myths come from.

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© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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Brighten your Winter Blues with these 9 Strategies

This year, the Northeast has truly experienced w-i-n-t-e-r. In fact, Boston, Massachusetts has endured a total of 95.7 inches (that’s almost 8 feet!) of snow during the 2014-2015 winter season. Needless to say, there are a lot of folks are cooped up inside.

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© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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5 Minutes Every Day to Inspire Healthy, Purposeful, and Productive Living

As we kick off American Heart Month this week, I want to introduce a topic that not only addresses physical heart health, but also celebrates the healthy feeling that comes from having heart. And, this particular subject is a personal challenge of mine.

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© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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The Oat: A Tribute

There you are, looking out the window at a cold winter morning. The air has a chill you can’t shake. Enter my best winter breakfast friend: oatmeal. Pour the grains in a bowl, add liquid, pop in the microwave, sprinkle with a favorite topping. In a few minutes, you have a warm, chewy mouthful of comforting oatmeal. Goodbye chilly, hello cozy!

Continue reading The Oat: A Tribute

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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Want to Boost your Happiness? Start by Serving your Community

Today, we celebrate one of the greatest men in recent history. Martin Luther King represents our country’s collective and continued movement for social justice. His work, and words, live today in communities across the globe.

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© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!

17 Simple Switches to Save you up to 57 Pounds this New Year

Let’s make this message simple: weight loss is complicated. In order to reach and keep a healthy weight, you must make changes that you can commit to for life. And you must at least consider food, exercise, sleep, emotional health, stress, occupation, and your environment.

SO, this post begins with a big caveat. While the focus is on swapping foods and highlighting calories, reaching a healthy weight requires so much more than calorie counting. Therefore, the calories listed in this post are simply meant to give you an illustration of how small choices can make a big impact over time.

Without further adieu, here are 17 swaps you can make this year that when combined, save up to 57 pounds worth of calories! 1

Continue reading 17 Simple Switches to Save you up to 57 Pounds this New Year

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!


  1. What do I mean by “saving” pounds? In a perfect world, if you lived the same life this year as you did last year (ate the same, slept the same, exercised the same, etc) and ONLY switched this one item, you would lose the “saved” pounds. Because we don’t live in a perfect world, these calculations are not a guarantee. Remember: this is meant to illustrate the big impact one simple swap could have!

Balancing Act: Four Steps to Achieve Better Balance

Of the top 10 resolutions from 2014, 8 of them required (at least, in part) balancing time between work and personal life. This is a tough ask, but is important as we fulfill our resolutions for the new year. So, how do we go about doing this?

When I think of the word balance, I picture a tightrope walker hundreds of feet in the air, intently focused on adjusting every move to maintain balance.

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© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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Pile More Plant-Based Foods on Your Plate!

…And Get the Protein You Need

With a turkey-filled Thanksgiving behind us, many of us are on animal protein overload. Not to worry! I am here to fill you in on how to pile more plant-based proteins on your plate and still get the nutrition you need.

Continue reading Pile More Plant-Based Foods on Your Plate!

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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Good Morning!

Wake up to creative, purposeful, and snooze button-free mornings

Picture this (I know we all can): It’s a dark, chilly morning. Your alarm jolts you out of your dreams. You roll over and hit the snooze button. And, you justify it: “I’ll skip breakfast this morning to save time” or “the kids aren’t up yet.” Before you know it, you have to hurry out of bed and fly through your morning. By the time you start your day, you feel scattered and rushed—not a good recipe for a productive or creative day!

Here’s a different picture: Your alarm goes off—just once. You jump out of bed to exercise, eat a healthful breakfast, and even enjoy a quiet moment before the day begins. How would a morning like this feel? Continue reading Good Morning!

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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