Lessons Learned from a Year of Blogging

Can you believe it? This week marks one year of blogging. It’s been quite a journey–and by writing to you, I have learned so much about celebrating creative productivity, healthy living, and purposeful growth.

This site was launched to share goal-oriented tools and strategies in a space that fosters your fullest potential. I envisioned you finding your wisest, healthiest, and most productive self. And, you were invited you to influence your community to make it a better place to live.

To celebrate our first year, this post highlights some of the lessons we have learned together along the way.


We learned what it meant to practice creative productivity. By waking up early, and enjoyed wonderfully productive, good mornings. One way we did this was through the practice of morning pages. And, these healthy, creative mornings couldn’t happen without the use of our weekly compass routine. With productivity came our ability to stop procrastinating and maximize our time.

Healthy Life

And we learned more and more about healthy living in our quest for emotional, physical, mental, and interpersonal well-being. We ate better, slept better, cleaned better, traveled better, and balanced life better. We figured out ways to eat healthy on a budget, while also saving time by cooking in bulk. And we craved sugar less and stayed hydrated more. We explored meditation and gratitude. And, we figured out how to get outside more often. Ultimately, we worked to define what a healthy life meant to us.


And, we had many lessons about living with purpose
–finding the value of our own capabilities, and developing your professional, personal, and interpersonal self to live our fullest potential. We studied the habits of great leaders, set goals for ourselves and our teams, capitalized on our strengths. All the while, we found our best selves by thanking others, eating sustainably, and serving our communities.


In the year to come, what aspects of productive, healthy, and purposeful living would you like learn more about?

Please let me know by commenting on this post. And while you’re at it, join me on Facebook , Twitter, and Pinterest for more conversations about finding your wisest, healthiest, and most productive self.

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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