A few weeks ago, my spouse and I decided to give up the TV with a 100% TV-free weekend. No shows to watch during Friday dinner, no late night Netflix on the IPad, and no TV breaks on the couch with a snack. And, it was harder than you might think! We didn’t realize how much time we spent being zombies in front of the TV. According to the American Time Use Survey, the average American spends 2.78 hours in front of the TV each day – that’s almost 6 hours in just one weekend!
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A productive morning begins with a purposeful evening. When I take the time to gear up for the morning, this helps me wind down for the night. Here are 10 evening tips you can use for successful morning – each take less than 15 minutes to do! You can even incorporate these tips into your evening routine.
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This week, I wanted to give you a little glimpse into my weekday lunch preparation. Hopefully some of the creative shortcuts can be helpful for you – and this post will show you how to make weekday lunch preparation easy.
The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!
Everyone wants a good morning – one that is productive, purposeful, and healthy. Why? Because it sets you up for a successful day. A day where you can be your best self. Most important to a good morning, in addition to a solid compass routine, is a tried-and-true evening routine. Here are five steps to get you on the right track:
Evening Routine, Step 1: Set a bedtime.
Mornings are best when you feel rested. Arianna Huffinton tells us in her book Thrive that sleep boosts “our creativity, ingenuity, confidence, leadership, and decision making.” This means we must get good sleep before a good morning. First, set a bedtime that allows you to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
Evening Routine, Step 2: Reflect on the day
Reflection can be a great way to close the book on your day, so that you can begin a successful night. One way to do it? Practice gratitude. One way to start is with a gratitude jar. You can set out colorful markers, a stack of small papers, and an empty jar on a shelf. Each night, spend 5 minutes writing down three things for which you are grateful. Thinking of happy memories from the day can help you go to bed more relaxed and in a good mood.
Evening Routine, Step 3: Turn Down the Lights
I know this seems simple, but turning down the lights tells your body to start getting ready for sleep. This also means turning off screens. A blog from Harvard Health Letter says that the blue light from various screens can mess with our sleep cycle. Instead of ending the day in front of a screen, turn down the lights, and try writing in a journal or reading a book.
Evening Routine, Step 4: Find a ritual that is relaxing
Winding down from a busy day can be tough. So, find a ritual that puts you in a relaxed mood, ready to sleep. Enjoy something as simple as bedtime tea before bed for relaxation and gentle hydration. It smells great, and includes herbs that might help you fall asleep. Or, you can practice yoga. My favorite option is downloading Episode 76 from the 20 Minute Yoga Sessions Podcast: Yoga for a Good Night’s Sleep. If these don’t appeal to you, draw a warm bath and take 10-15 minutes to relax in it. You can add essential oils like lavender or muscle-soothing epsom salts for even greater relaxation.
Evening Routine, Step 5: Get some much needed rest
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I talk a lot on this blog about productive mornings. This week, I tried something a little different, and I found that my productivity was great, and that my mind was relaxed, clear and ready for the day: I enjoyed a slower morning! Slowing down my morning (while still waking up early) gave me peace of mind before a busy day. Here’s how to slow down your morning:
First, I practiced my compass routine the Sunday night before.
So, the house was clean and food was prepped for the week.
When you follow a consistent weekly routine, it gives you more freedom to do what you want in the mornings.
Then, I began my morning at the usual time
…which is between 5:00 and 5:30 AM. I find it incredibly important to stay consistent with my bed time and the time I wake up.
Don’t shortchange your sleep to wake up early. According to the National Institutes of Health, adults need 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you are waking up at 5:00 AM, I recommend going to bed no later than 10 PM for seven hours of sleep. Be realistic with yourself. If you know you need more than seven hours of sleep, make it a priority to go to bed earlier.
The average adult loses over one pound of water during the night (mostly through our moist breath). Dehydration can make you feel sleepy. Begin rehydrating yourself right away.
I set out the yoga mat in the living room instead of heading off to the gym.
During my yoga session, I watched the sun rise. It was an amazing sight that added such an energetic feeling to the morning.
To get started, try this 20-minute yoga sessions podcast to find a routine that works for you. I recommend episode 84, titled “Good Morning Yoga.”
I enjoyed a healthful breakfast.
A healthful breakfast will give you the nutrient-rich energy you need to be productive. And, people who eat breakfast weigh less than folks who skip it.
In her book The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron recommends writing three pages of your stream of consciousness, right after you wake up, to spark creative thoughts. Unlike a journal, morning pages don’t have structure—they simply exist to get your thoughts on paper. After my morning pages, my mind is clear and I feel prepared for the day.
What activities do you enjoy that slow down your morning?
The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!
During the month of February to celebrate American Heart Month, I try to find something that helps me relax and be more mindful. I have been reading that a coloring book might help me be more relaxed and mindful. So, I added a new activity to my evening routine: I have been coloring in an adult coloring book!
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I am always amazed at the fun that can be had cooking a holiday meal with family. And, it is even more fun (and easier) if you prepare the night before. Here are six steps you can take the night before a holiday to make cooking the next day a breeze: Continue reading How to make holiday meals easier→
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The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!
Sticking around for labor day? According to the American Express Spend and Save Tracker, 53% of us plan to get away during 2015’s summer holiday weekends, which means that about 47% of us plan to stay at home.
The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!
Healthy snacks can keep your creativity and productivity going throughout the day. For those of you with kids to feed (and those of you with an inner kid to feed), this post is choc-full of yummy, packable snack ideas for back-to-school season. Check out these 15 ideas, organized by craving.
The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!
Celebrating creative productivity, healthy living, and purposeful growth